Feldmann Nagel, LLC Articles Colorado Penalties for Drunk Driving

Colorado Penalties for Drunk Driving

By Feldmann Nagel, LLC  Sep. 13, 2012 11:14a

In the state of Colorado, you are legally drunk if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) measures .08 percent or higher on a chemical test, resulting in a DUI charge. A BAC that measures .05 percent up to .08 percent is charged as a DWAI (driving while ability impaired). In Colorado, you will be subject to both administrative and criminal penalties if you are charged with drunk driving. For a DUI, the administrative penalties consist of a license suspension of 9 months for a first offense with 12 points added to your driving record. A second DUI offense will result in a license suspension of one year with 12 points. A third DUI offense carries a 2-year license suspension with 12 points. For those under 21 with a BAC of at least .02 percent, a first offense carries a 3-month license suspension, a second offense carries a 6-month license suspension, and a third offense carries a one-year suspension; all of these will add 4 points to your record.

The criminal penalties for a first-time Colorado DUI include 5 days up to one year in jail, fines between $600 and $1,000, and public service of 48 hours to 96 hours. You may also be required to pay court costs, surcharges of up to $500, fees to reinstate your driver's license, and other charges, fees, or penalties. Fines for those facing a second or third DUI offense may be increased up to $1500 along with increased jail time. Those convicted of a third DUI or DWAI within seven years may also face a 5-year license revocation as a habitual traffic offender.

Denver Criminal Defense Attorney

The law firm of Feldmann Nagel, LLC has decades of legal experience in criminal defense law. A DUI is a serious matter and is a complex field involving elements of science, the law, and even medical considerations. To obtain the most favorable case result possible, it is imperative that you are represented by an attorney who has experience with DUI cases and the various factors that may play a part in your defense. The legal team at the firm works on the proposition that everyone deserves a strong defense and a second chance and will take every legal measure to help you.

The firm offers legal service to clients with offices in Denver, Steamboat Springs, and Vail. Contact one of the legal staff to set up an appointment to discuss your case with an experienced attorney today.

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