Articles From De Castroverde Law Group
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An individual is committing fraud if he or she creates, uses or is in possession of false identification.
Nevada has strict laws for DUI and if you are arrested, you are placing yourself at risk.
Disorderly conduct is considered a misdemeanor offense in Nevada and you can be sentenced up to six months in jail and/or up to $1,000 in fines.
There are various ways an experienced attorney may be able to challenge your DUI charges and work toward helping you avoid a conviction for this serious criminal offense.
A review of domestic violence charges in the Las Vegas area, including what happens if the victim does not wish to press charges.
In the fast-paced and high energy world of Las Vegas, crime is never far away. While many tourists assume that prostitution is legal in Las Vegas, this is simply not the case.
It is not uncommon, in the party capital of the country, for there to be a surging popularity in the use of fake and false IDs.
When in such a congested and populated city as Las Vegas, the chances of an auto accident are astronomically higher by nature of the location. Auto accidents are serious cases that deserve to be ...
If you’ve been arrested or are under investigation for a criminal offense of any kind, you may be at risk of facing serious criminal charges, which may lead to imprisonment and then life dealing with ...
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