Law Offices of Adam L. Pearlman - Ventura Articles Marijuana Possession in California

Marijuana Possession in California

By Law Offices of Adam L. Pearlman  Jun. 23, 2011 4:54p

Marijuana (cannabis) happens to be the most widely used illegal drug in developed countries. Recent medical studies have shown that marijuana can provide numerous medical benefits among certain patients. Because of these studies, voters in California and Arizona approved initiatives that allowed medical marijuana to be used amongst certain classes of patients. Although medical marijuana is legal with a valid prescription, possession of marijuana for personal use is not legal. If you have been arrested for marijuana possession, contact a Ventura criminal defense attorney immediately.

As more patients enjoy the benefits of medical marijuana, it becomes more difficult to deny the fact that medical marijuana might be here to stay. Just ask anyone who has used medical marijuana for pain management relating to serious diseases such as AIDS, Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Glaucoma, Alzheimer’s, and Crohn’s disease, and they will be the first to tell you how medical marijuana has changed their lives.

Most all prescription drugs come with dangerous, if not deadly side effects with overdose or long term use. Marijuana on the other hand, comes from the earth. It is not processed, refined or chemically enhanced. It is not genetically engineered or combined with a host of other ingredients. It is a pure and natural medicine whose potential benefits are still yet to be discovered. People don’t even have to smoke it to enjoy its medicinal properties. Some people choose to add it to their baked goods or oils, making it the easiest medicine to swallow.

Marijuana Possession Can Still Be Illegal

Despite the fact that California is on its way to decriminalizing marijuana, unless you have a valid prescription for medical marijuana, possession of less than an ounce will cost you a $100 fine and misdemeanor charges. Possession over an ounce can involve up to 6 months in jail and a maximum $500 fine. Although these penalties may seem minor, misdemeanor charges will certainly disrupt your life.

When you cultivate a plant in your closet, your basement or your yard, the penalties enhance significantly. The same goes for transporting marijuana, giving it away or selling it. If you transport over an ounce of marijuana, you will be charged with a felony offense in the state of California. If you have been arrested for marijuana possession or any other drug crime, contact a Ventura marijuana possession lawyer at the Law Offices of Adam L. Pearlman today!

Contact a Ventura marijuana possession attorney from our firm for a free initial consultation. 

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