Explaining Sexual Assault

By Law Offices of Adam L. Pearlman  Jul. 26, 2011 10:00a

Sexual assault is a broad term that covers a wide range of sex crimes, including rape. Sexual assault simply refers to any unwanted sexual contact. A person can be charged with sexual assault when they inappropriately touch somebody, or force them into any kind of unwanted sexual act. The penalties for sexual assault are extremely harsh. If you are convicted, you are likely to spend time in jail or prison, in some cases for a number of years. If you have been arrested or accused of sexual assault, it’s extremely important that you speak with a skilled Ventura criminal defense attorney, who is experienced defending such charges.

The Consequences of a Sex Crime Conviction

A sex crime conviction will turn your life upside down. You may be required to register as a sex offender, which would follow you across state lines. Your photo, your home address and what you were convicted for would be made public for your future employers, your neighbors and your friends. It’s pretty difficult to “explain away” a sex crime conviction. Additionally, sex offender registration can prohibit you from coming within a specified distance of parks and schools; which can limit where you live, where you work and where you can go. Escaping the “stigma” of a sex crime conviction or as a “registered sex offender” is pretty impossible. Your career and your personal relationships will most definitely suffer as a result.

Your Word against Theirs

Sexual assault, along with other sex crimes is frequently based on the victim’s allegations alone. As there are often no “witnesses” to the crime in question, you will be forced to defend yourself. Sexual assault is not viewed lightly in the state of California. A Ventura sexual assault lawyer from the Law Offices of Adam L. Pearlman can greatly assist you in this matter. We can cross-examine the evidence, call for expert witnesses where necessary and challenge witness testimony. We may be able to persuade the prosecution to drop all charges, or get a reduction in your sentence. We urge you to contact an attorney from our firm today before you put your future and your freedom on the line.

Contact a Ventura sexual assault lawyer from our firm for a free initial consultation.

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