Grostyan & Associates, PLC Articles What is disorderly conduct in Minnesota?

What is disorderly conduct in Minnesota?

By Grostyan & Associates, PLC  Apr. 2, 2013 4:45p

Disorderly conduct is a criminal charge that is broad in category, which means many types of actions and situations can result in this charge. Because it is so broadly defined, it is a common charge in Minnesota courts. The actual statute which defines it gives several scenarios of disorderly conduct, such as engaging in brawling or fighting, disturbing an assembly or meeting, or engaging in "offensive, obscene, abusive, boisterous, or noisy conduct or in offensive, obscene, or abusive language tending reasonably to arouse alarm, anger, or resentment in others." Any type of behavior which tends to alarm, anger, or disturb others or which can be said to provoke someone into an assault or a breach of the peace may be grounds for a disorderly conduct charge, which is a misdemeanor.

Probably the most common scenarios which can lead to a disorderly conduct charge are fights, brawls, or altercations between people, such as at sporting events, bars, nightclubs, entertainment venues, and the like. Even heated arguments at private house parties or drunken behavior on the streets can lead to a disorderly conduct charge. For those without any previous criminal history, it is unlikely that they will receive jail time if convicted. Fines between $200 and $500 are generally levied as is community service hours. Those convicted may also be placed on probation for one to two years. If the person is convicted due to drug or alcohol use, he or she may be required to undergo random tests for substance abuse or be placed under a court ruling prohibiting the use of alcohol or drugs as a condition of probation.

Criminal Defense Firm in Minneapolis

Even a disorderly conduct conviction will result in a permanent criminal record. Those facing such charges may wish to fight them to avoid the embarrassment and negative consequences of having such a record. In Minneapolis, you can rely on the criminal defense skill and experience available at the law firm of Grostyan & Associates, PLC. Mr. Grostyan and his legal team have helped thousands of clients successfully fight all types of criminal charges, from disorderly conduct to domestic violence, drug possession, drunk driving, theft crimes, sex crimes, and more. The firm offers a free consultation in which you can get the legal advice you need concerning your arrest and charges.

With more than a decade of experience in criminal defense and a reputation for strong and aggressive representation, Mr. Grostyan is a top choice for those facing the criminal justice process in Minneapolis. Contact his firm to schedule your free case analysis and to learn how your charges can be defended.

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