Grostyan & Associates, PLC Articles Obstructing the Legal Process in Minnesota

Obstructing the Legal Process in Minnesota

By Grostyan & Associates, PLC  May. 21, 2013 11:27a

Obstructing the legal process or an arrest is covered under Minnesota Statutes in Section 609.50. These crimes are defined as intentionally obstructing, resisting, or interfering with law enforcement officers while they are engaged in the performance of duties. Anyone convicted of this offense may be sentenced as follows:

  1. If the person knew or had reason to know that the act created a risk of death, substantial bodily harm, or serious property damage or if the act caused death, substantial bodily harm, or serious property damage, the person is subject to a prison term of up to five years or a fine of up to $10,000 or both;
  2. If the act was accompanied by force or violence or the threat thereof, and is not otherwise covered by 1) above, the person is subject to a prison term of up to one year or a fine of up to $3,000 or both;
  3. In other cases, the person is subject to imprisonment of up to 90 days or to a fine of up to $1,000 or both.

Resisting arrest may involve running away from police officers during an arrest, attacking a police officer, threatening to attack a police officer, struggling against a police officer who is trying to use restraints, providing false identification to a police officer, and similar actions. Resisting arrest will result in a separate criminal charge apart from the underlying offense for which you have been detained or arrested.

Criminal Defense Firm in Minneapolis, Minnesota

If you have been accused of resisting arrest, you could be facing some serious penalties as listed above. It is important to get the legal advice and guidance of a reputable criminal defense lawyer in such cases as early as possible in the legal process. The criminal defense firm of Grostyan & Associates, PLC provides skilled legal assistance from an attorney with more than a decade of experience in criminal law. Mr. Grostyan is a member of the Minnesota Society for Criminal Justice, which is a privileged membership extended to only about 50 of the top defense attorneys in the state. He is also a member of the Minnesota Association of Criminal Defense as well as the National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys, all of which reflect his dedication to his profession.

Whether you are facing criminal charges related to drug crimes, drunk driving, domestic violence, theft crimes, sex crimes, violent crimes, or others, contact the firm for a free, initial consultation to learn more about your case and what can be done to help you minimize the consequences.

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