Law Offices of Robert H. Humphrey Articles Suspended Sentence Handed Down in Cocaine Distribution Case

Suspended Sentence Handed Down in Cocaine Distribution Case

By Law Offices of Robert H. Humphrey  Mar. 14, 2013 9:35a

A man charged with felony drug offenses including felony cocaine distribution, illegal possession of a prescription drug, marijuana possession and others was sentenced recently after pleading no contest to the charges. An informant for the South Kingstown Police Department reported that the 28-year-old Rhode Island man, H.C., was regularly selling cocaine at a particular location. Police worked with the informant to have him set up buying cocaine from H.C. The sale was allegedly arranged and police officers stood ready near the scene. Officers immediately stopped H.C. for driving on a suspended license when he was seen driving a car into the parking lot at the location. Police reports state that small bags containing cocaine were in plain sight in the car. The officers seized the cocaine as well as some cash and took H.C. into custody on suspicion of selling cocaine. Police then obtained a search warrant for H.C.'s home where they reportedly found Oxycontin, marijuana and 24 grams of cocaine. Begin working with a criminal defense attorney immediately if you have been arrested for a felony offense.

Suspect Pleads No Contest to Serious Drug Charges

Police discovered that H.C. had a record of previous incidents going back to May of 2008. Most involved dismissed assault charges, a dismissed DUI and several driving on a suspended license charges which were dismissed and transferred to traffic court instead. H.C. pled no contest to the current charges against him which included felonies for cocaine distribution, cocaine possession, marijuana possession and distribution of a drug near school grounds. Felony drug charges can be punished by lengthy imprisonment, fines, community service and other penalties. The judge on the case ordered that H.C. serve two years probation with a two-year suspended sentence. He has also been ordered to attend a substance abuse counseling program for a year and pay over $1,000 in fines. If H.C. is found guilty of later violating his probation he could then be put in prison to serve the full sentence.

Defense for Criminal Charges in Rhode Island

Contact the Law Offices of Robert H. Humphrey today if you have been investigated, charged or arrested for a crime in Rhode Island. We have experience on both sides of a criminal case which proves invaluable when it comes to tenaciously defending our clients. Our team knows what it takes to get a positive outcome and we work hard to help our clients avoid serious penalties such as fines and imprisonment. We may be able to help you!

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