Law Offices of Michael P. Schmiege Articles DUI: The Crime that Crosses All Social Strata

DUI: The Crime that Crosses All Social Strata

By Law Office of Michael P. Schmiege, PC  Mar. 12, 2013 12:25p

Earlier in February, the Illinois Auditor General, W. H., was arrested and charged with a DUI in Springfield, Illinois. He was cited by police for both drunk driving and improper lane changes after failing field sobriety tests and refusing to take a breathalyzer test. Under Illinois law, the breath test refusal carries a one-year license suspension. Last year, he received his third ten-year appointment as Auditor General, earning approximately $150,000 per year, according to state records. At the time of the incident, he was not driving a state vehicle but his own car and was alone. He refused to comment on the incident to the press, stating it was "unfortunate" and a private matter. He is 61 years old.

Drunk driving is an unfortunate occurrence which occurs across all social strata, educational and age backgrounds, and economic groups in Illinois as well as across the nation. Thousands of individuals make the mistake of drinking and driving every year and end up with criminal arrests and charges. Many high-profile people, especially celebrities, find themselves in the news in relation to DUI. Recent DUIs involving professional athletes include players for the Colorado Rockies, Pittsburgh Steelers, Atlanta Falcons, the New York Yankees, and a major league baseball Hall of Famer. Penalties in Illinois for DUI include license suspension, fines up to $2,500, and up to one year in jail.

DUI Defense in Chicago

Many people mistakenly think that a DUI arrest will result in an automatic conviction. Nothing could be further from the truth. Like any other criminal charge, a DUI can be contested in court. With the help of a skilled attorney, you may be able to effectively challenge the prosecutor's case against you. Vital in this endeavor is legal representation from an attorney who is well-versed in DUI defense, which can be complicated and demands a thorough understanding of the scientific and technical aspects of chemical testing and equipment as well as the legal facets of every case.

At the Law Office of Michael P. Schmiege, you can work with a legal team that takes an aggressive approach to DUI as well as other criminal cases. This has resulted in many case victories and with the lead attorney achieving recognition as a Rising Star 2009 – 2013 by Super Lawyers. Work with a firm that will make every effort to help you win a favorable result. Contact the firm 24/7 immediately following any DUI arrest.

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