Freedman Law Group Articles Sex Crimes Need Experienced Legal Defense

Sex Crimes Need Experienced Legal Defense

By Law Offices of Freedman & Freedman  Oct. 15, 2010 9:31a

If you have been accused of a sex crime, it is vital that you get competent legal help. A sex crime is considered a criminal offense and includes any kind of deviant sexual activity or forced sexual activity. Following is a list of sex crimes that one can be charged with:

  • Rape
  • Indecent exposure
  • Sexual acts with a minor
  • Date Rape
  • Statutory rape
  • Child Pornography
  • Child Molesting
  • Sexual abuse
  • Sexual assault
  • Family related sex crimes
  • Prostitution

Being convicted of a sex crime can leave you with a black mark on your record for life. You may face imprisonment and other penalties including having to be registered as a sex offender which can cause many future problems both socially and legally. In order to avoid these devastating effects in your life, the sooner you seek the legal help of a Michigan sex crimes attorney, the better.

Internet Sex Crimes

Over the past several years as the internet has gained in popularity, so have sex crimes over the net. Chat rooms and social networking sites have created more opportunities than ever before for sex crimes to abound in this sphere. Law enforcement agencies have increased their activities of monitoring these sites and prosecutions have increased significantly. Law enforcement involves itself in sting operations in attempts to catch people in inappropriate conversations or solicitations who may be otherwise law abiding citizens. They may be enticed in a sting operation to download or share inappropriate images over the net or even on cell phones. Internet sex offenses are considered criminal acts and carry harsh penalties. Some of these monitoring actions by law enforcement can border on entrapment and an experienced sex crimes attorney has the skill and knowledge to determine if this is the case. A few of the more common internet sex crimes are:

  • Soliciting or accosting a minor for sex
  • Downloading, possessing or manufacturing child pornography
  • Use of the internet for prostitution
  • Using a chat room to solicit a minor
  • Illegally using pornographic materials
  • Indecent exposure over a video stream
  • Illegal use of cell phone (texting, instant messaging)

Seek Competent Help

At the Law Offices of Freedman & Freedman, we are experienced criminal defense lawyers and sex crimes are one area of our practice. A Michigan sex crime lawyer can help you if you have been accused of a sex crime. Throughout our years of experience in this area we have seen many cases which involved invented or completely false allegations relating to sex crimes and we know how to build strong defenses. We have been representing clients in Michigan in the criminal defense arena since 1994 and are dedicated to obtaining the best possible outcome for each or our clients regardless of their circumstance.

Contact a Michigan Sex Crimes Attorney in our office for a free consultation today.

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