The Zendeh Del Law Firm, PLLC Articles Charged with Marijuana Possession?

Charged with Marijuana Possession?

By Zendeh Law Firm  Aug. 4, 2010 11:20a

In Texas, drug crimes are no laughing matter and are treated with a firm hand of consequences. When dealing with the possession of marijuana, the severity of the penalties range dramatically. For those found with less than two ounces in their possession, they will be charged with a misdemeanor and run the risk of jail time up to 180 days and a fine that can run as high as $2,000. If they are, however, found with over 2,000 pounds, they will be charged with a felony and face incarceration anywhere from five years to 99, with a monetary fine that could be in the vicinity of $50,000.

All criminals who are found with less than a pound of marijuana in their possession will face drug treatment as a mandatory part of the penalty, however, they will not be placed in prison as long as they have never been charged with a similar crime before. As marijuana has not been legalized for any type of medicinal purposes, anyone who is found with it in their possession will be charged, no questions asked. If you are facing charges for possession of marijuana, the very best thing for you to do is contact a Collin County drug crime defense lawyer as soon as you can.

Drug Crime Defense in Collin County

Whether you are facing a charge for possession of marijuana, delivery of marijuanapossession with intent to distribute or any sort of drug crime, you need an experienced attorney at your side to help you successfully navigate the tricky legal waters. At the Zendeh Law Firm, we have the knowledge you need to help combat your charges. By working closely with our clients and evaluating every detail of your case, you can be confident that your future is completely trustworthy hands.

If you or a loved one are facing charges for marijuana possession, contact a Collin County Drug Crime Defense Lawyer today.

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