Maas Law Offices Articles California DUI Involving Drugs

California DUI Involving Drugs

By Maas Law Offices  Mar. 4, 2013 11:15a

DUI charges in California often involve drugs; any chemical substance, whether legally obtained or not, which results in an impairment of one's driving abilities can lead to this criminal charge. Marijuana has become an increasingly common drug associated with DUI arrests in the state as well as across the country. This may be a likely repercussion of legalized medical marijuana as well as a national growing trend towards leniency in regard to its recreational use; several states like Colorado and Washington have legalized small quantities of marijuana for personal use. Those who are arrested and charged with DUI drugs stemming from marijuana use will need to seek legal assistance in presenting a defense if they wish to avoid a conviction.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), marijuana is the most commonly detected drug found in drivers after alcohol. The agency's studies show that marijuana can cause driver impairment for up to three hours after its use. The impairment found in studies included longer reaction time, decreased car handling ability, decreased ability to estimate time and distance, sleepiness, lack of coordination, and "impaired sustained vigilance." Long distance and monotonous driving are particularly affected by marijuana use. Mixing marijuana with alcohol has a much more dramatic effect on impairment than driving under the influence of either substance by itself.

DUI Defense in Fairfield, California

Any DUI charge has the potential to severely impact your life. Jail time, heavy fines, probation, mandatory DUI school, and other penalties may apply. These penalties may be more severe under aggravating circumstances, such as driving with a minor in the car or creating a traffic accident in which others are injured or killed. Many people assume that they cannot fight DUI charges which are based on the forensic evidence of breathalyzer or blood tests. This is a false assumption. Valid defenses do exist and, with the help of a skilled attorney, you may be able to avoid a conviction.

In Solano County, the Maas Law Offices offers experienced legal representation for those facing DUI charges in and around the area. The legal team at the firm has devoted their practice exclusively to criminal defense and has a 20-year track record of successful case handlings, involving misdemeanors and felonies at both the state and federal levels. Contact the firm to learn more about how an attorney can assist you in any DUI or criminal charge.

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