Law Offices of Virginia L. Landry Articles Don’t Risk Your Child’s Future

Don’t Risk Your Child’s Future

By The Law Offices of Virginia L. Landry  Jun. 17, 2011 4:59p

Juvenile crimes are the same as adult crimes; however they are committed by minors under the age of 18. If your son or daughter has been arrested for a juvenile crime, it’s important that you take this matter very seriously. A juvenile charge will haunt your child for years to come. It will affect their ability to get a college scholarship, get a good job and apply for loans. However, with an effective legal defense, the chances of getting a dismissal greatly increased.

Many attorneys focus on adult crimes in their practice, and rarely defend juvenile clients. Juvenile cases are handled differently than adult cases. If you are a parent whose child has been accused of a juvenile crime, it’s important that you retain an Orange County criminal defense attorney who is experienced representing clients in the juvenile courts.

Children and teens are especially prone to peer pressure. They often times do things they wouldn’t normally do, out of fear or desire for acceptance. Sometimes they are merely in the wrong place at the wrong time, or innocent bystanders. Yet, they are arrested anyways. Regardless of the circumstances that led to your son or daughter’s arrest, it’s extremely important that you hire legal counsel to represent them at the onset of their investigation.

Orange County Juvenile Defense Lawyer

Common juvenile crimes include but are not limited to: shoplifting, petty theft, grand theft auto, DUI, assault, battery, drug crimes, rape, robbery, arson and vandalism. Penalties for juvenile crimes can involve community service, fines, probation, and court ordered counseling and placement in a youth correctional facility.

Fortunately, by working with an attorney as soon as possible, your chances of getting your child’s charges dismissed before the case goes to court are significant. At the Law Offices of Virginia L. Landry, an Orange County juvenile defense lawyer from our firm may be able to convince the arresting officer, a detention officer or a juvenile hall intake officer to dismiss the case. Doing so would re-open the door to both opportunities and your child’s future. Don’t hesitate to contact a juvenile defense attorney from our firm today!

Contact an Orange County juvenile defense lawyer from our firm for a free initial consultation.

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