Criminal Defense Attorneys in Texas

There are 25388471 living in Texas, which comprises 220622 square miles. If you live or were arrested in Texas and are interested in working with a local attorney who can help you fight your criminal charges, take advantage of our online directory. We have included a list of attorneys who handle criminal cases in Texas. You can view their information, compare their qualifications and contact them directly using our nationwide directory. Our goal is to make it easy to find the right Texas criminal defense lawyer to handle your case.

Information for Texas

State Population
Avg Home Value
Avg Income
State Businesses
State Employees
Median Age
State Square Miles
Previous  1 2 3 4 5 6 
Additional Listings

Larry D. Eastepp P.C.

5300 Memorial Drive Suite 1000
Houston, TX 77007

Robinson & Smart, P.C.

3020 Matlock Suite 210
Arlington, TX 76015