Vaughan C Jones, Attorney at Law Articles Sex Crimes Bring Grave Consequences

Sex Crimes Bring Grave Consequences

By Vaughan C. Jones  Jan. 22, 2011 4:15p

Sex crimes cover a broad spectrum of sex related crimes. If you are convicted of a sex crime, your life will change forever. Not only will you have to deal with the negative stigma attached, you may also face mandatory sex offender registration, which will haunt you, wherever you go. Sex crimes are very serious offenses, which can land you in jail or prison. You will also have to pay court ordered fines, be placed on probation or parole and have a permanent criminal record, which you cannot escape from. Sex crime convictions not only affect your present life, they impact your future as well. Sex crimes include but are not limited to:

The consequences of sex crimes vary widely, depending on the nature of the crime and whether or not a victim was involved. A "victimless" crime would be a sex crime, where there was no "direct" victim; however the punishments for such crimes can be very severe. An example of a victimless crime would be pimping or possession of child pornography. Sex crimes can be charged as both misdemeanors and felonies, however many of them fall under the heading of felony offenses. If you are convicted of a sex crime, you may face jail or prison sentencing, fines, community service, sexual offender treatment programs and mandatory registration as a sex offender.

Are You a Victim of False Allegations?

Although sex offenses are very serious in nature, innocent people are accused of sex crimes every day. Often times it is your word, against the word of another person. For this reason, it is vital that you seek the advice of a skilled Richmond attorney who has extensive experience dealing with sex crime charges. At the Law Office of Vaughan C. Jones, we will challenge the evidence against you and we will fight aggressively on your behalf in order to protect your rights. 

Contact a Richmond Sex Crime Lawyer from our firm today for a free case evaluation if you have been accused of a sex crime.

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