Misdemeanors are Not Minor
By Thomas A. Brant
Apr. 21, 2011 1:36p
Being arrested for any sort of crime is not good for your future or your reputation. When you are applying for a job or a loan, the person on the other side of the desk will not only be concerned about what crime you were convicted for, they will be concerned about the fact that you have a criminal record, period.
When people have arrest records and criminal convictions, no matter how minor the charge, they are setting themselves up for a lot of explaining to do. This is not a comfortable situation to be in for anybody. If you have been arrested for a misdemeanor offense, the less you say to law enforcement, the better. The sooner you hire a Boston criminal defense attorney to represent you, the better chance you have of getting the charges against you dismissed or reduced to a lesser charge.
Penalties for Misdemeanor Crimes
Misdemeanor crimes include petty theft, shoplifting, probation violations, disorderly conduct, minor drug crimes, OUI, simple assault and battery, larceny (or theft crimes), minor in possession of alcohol, gambling, prostitution and domestic violence. The penalties for misdemeanor crimes in Massachusetts are up to one year in county jail and a maximum fine of $1000.
Even a single misdemeanor conviction can inhibit your ability to get an educational loan, or a financial loan, it can make it so that employers will refuse to hire you, or if you have a job, they might give your promotion to somebody else, who does not have a criminal record. Misdemeanors may be minor in comparison to felonies, but they can still incur fines, incarceration, probation and a permanent mark on your criminal record.
Boston Misdemeanor Crimes Lawyer
If you are facing misdemeanor charges, contact a Boston misdemeanor crimes attorney from the law office of Thomas A. Brant. With over 20 years experience in the criminal justice system, Mr. Brant has a vast knowledge of how the legal system works. He will challenge the evidence against you and seek out any mitigating circumstances that might be able to work in your favor, so that your charges may be reduced or dismissed entirely.
Contact a Boston criminal defense lawyer from our firm for a free initial consultation.
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