Thomas A. Brant Articles Defense against Felony Crimes

Defense against Felony Crimes

By Thomas A. Brant  Apr. 21, 2011 1:32p

If you are under investigation for a felony offense, or if you have already been arrested and charged with a felony, then you need to take immediate action by hiring a skilled and qualified Boston criminal defense attorney. Felony crimes are the most serious offenses you can be charged with, and felony convictions carry a mandatory minimum sentence, which means the judge does not have the power or discretion to impose a lighter sentence or probation. People, who are convicted of a felony offense, serve their time in a state prison as opposed to county jail or house of correction.

If you are convicted of a felony offense, you are facing years in prison, parole, community service, restitution, heavy fines and in severe cases, life in prison. Felony crimes include but are not limited to: burglary, robbery, juvenile crimes, aggravated assault, aggravated sexual assault, illegal weapons, rape, murder, mayhem, certain drug crimes, OUI & DWI, accessory before and after the fact, white collar crimes, arson, receiving stolen property, bank robbery, fraud, embezzlement and more.

Boston Felony Crimes Defense Lawyer

If you are presently under investigation for a state or felony offense, it is vital that you hire a Boston felony crimes defense attorney from the Law Offices of Thomas A. Brant. As a former prosecutor, and with over 20 years experience in the criminal justice system, Mr. Brant is fully equipped to defend you against the most serious charges. Although a judge has no discretion when handing down a mandatory minimum sentence, the prosecutor does have the power to decide what to charge you with. By taking on your case as early as possible, Mr. Brant will use his knowledge and experience to help you achieve the best outcome in the charges against you.

Contact a Boston criminal defense lawyer from our firm for a free initial consultation.

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