The Law Offices of Thomas Mueller Articles Domestic Violence in San Jose

Domestic Violence in San Jose

By Law Office of Thomas F. Mueller  Jun. 18, 2010 3:13p

San Jose Criminal Defense Attorney

Domestic Violence in San Jose, California

While many people associate domestic violence simply with the physical assault between spouses, it can actually stretch much larger than that. Domestic violence can include anything from physical abuse to sexual violence, from stalking to economic cruelty. Anything that could impose physical or emotional harm on someone within a household would fall within this bracket. Many cases often go unreported, leading towards even more serious consequences further down the road. Regardless, it is a serious crime with serious punishments, it is not the time to delay or ignore if you're faced with charges.

If convicted of a domestic violence crime in California, you can be faced with long-term prison sentences, counseling, parole, probation or the loss of child custody. You will also be in danger of restraining orders or getting your right to own firearms stripped away. The effects can go on from there, branching out until they touch every corner of your life. It is of the utmost importance that as soon as you are charged, you retain the help of a skilled criminal defense attorney to help you protect your rights and best interests.

The Importance of Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer

From the very start, it is imperative that you get the knowledge and experience of criminal defense attorney on your side to help you face these charges. This is a crime that is not taken lightly and will not go away unless proper steps are taken to fight for your future. At the Law Office of Thomas F. Mueller, you will find legal help that will best serve towards getting you the most desired results feasible.

Even if the victim in question does not desire to pursue any charges held against you, the decision actually lies completely within the hands of the district attorney. If charges are pressed, you will need the experience and aggressive protection of a criminal defense lawyer. The legal system is a complex, twisted beast and should not be attempted without a knowledgeable guide at your side. Especially when in the crosshairs of such a serious and life-altering charge, there is absolutely no room to treat any aspect of the case without anything but the utmost gravity. You will need a heavyweight on your side to give you a fighting chance to get the best results possible.

If you've been accused of domestic violence, contact a criminal defense attorney today.

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