Parks & Braxton, PA - Palm Beach Articles 85-Year-Old Arrested in Alleged Road Rage Incident

85-Year-Old Arrested in Alleged Road Rage Incident

By Parks & Braxton, PA  Apr. 12, 2013 8:15a

V.S., 85, of Palm Beach was taken into custody recently for charges relating to a suspected road rage incident. Reports state that V.S. was driving east on Boynton Beach Boulevard in his silver Mercedes when he cut off another vehicle going the same direction. The two drivers, who each had a single passenger in their car, then argued according to witnesses and the alleged victim. The second vehicle turned onto Lyons Road and was followed by V.S. V.S. gestured for the other driver to pull over. He went into the left-hand lane and V.S. pulled up next to him and it was at that point that things supposedly escalated. The driver and passenger of the other car say that V.S. pointed a gun at them and issued threats. The argument apparently ended at that point and both vehicles went their separate ways. The alleged victim contacted the authorities about the incident and V.S. was later arrested at his home. He has been charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill. He was later released under supervision until his next court appearance. Contact a criminal defense lawyer immediately if you have been accused of a crime!

About Aggravated Assault Charges

"Assault" may be charged in any incident where someone is accused of threatening violence against another or others. Simple assault is generally charged when someone makes statements intending to make the alleged victim fearful of harm. Aggravated assault is a much stiffer charge which is assessed against someone suspected of showing or having a deadly weapon while making threats of harm. No actual physical harm need be perpetrated for this charge to be made (physically harming another person is considered "battery"). Aggravated assault can be charged in cases thought to have involved a gun or other deadly weapon, attempts to cause physical injury, attempts at engaging in non-consensual sexual activity and others. The penalties for an aggravated assault charge if a conviction is obtained can include serious imprisonment and fines.

Make sure your rights are protected!

Do not face a criminal charge on your own! Whether you are charged with a misdemeanor or felony it is crucial that you have a criminal defense attorney on your side that will fight to protect your rights and freedom. Contact our skilled team at the law offices of Parks & Braxton, PA today to schedule a free initial consultation on your case.

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