FDA to Reclassify Hydrocodone
By M. Trent Trani & Associates, P.C.
Oct. 29, 2013 10:46a
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced in Washington that it will make a formal request for hydrocodone to be reclassified as a Schedule II drug. Hydrocodone is used in painkiller prescriptions and has become one of the most widely prescribed drugs in the nation. The popular drug, Vicodin, and similar painkillers using hydrocodone are prescribed for all types of pain, from headache pain to arthritis pain, back pain, tooth pain, post-surgery pain, and more. Painkillers using hydrocodone are generally combination drugs which also include such substances as aspirin and acetaminophen. Because of their combination form, these hydrocodone drugs are easier to prescribe. Despite their combination form, drugs such as Vicodin can become highly addictive which is why the DEA and health agencies have sought stricter controls. The DEA reports that it is one of the most abused drugs in the U.S., consistently ranking at the top.
The reclassification of hydrocodone drugs would put stricter controls over the drug, limiting its refills and the types of medical practitioners who can prescribe it. Currently, hydrocodone is classified as a Schedule III drug with fewer restrictions. Under the new scheduling, drugs containing hydrocodone would only be prescribed once for 90 days and could not be prescribed by nurses or physician assistants. As a Schedule III drug, hydrocodone prescriptions can be refilled five times before a person is required to revisit a doctor. The reclassification of the drug will have to be approved by other agencies in the Department of Health and Human Services.
Drug Crimes and Criminal Defense Attorney in Denver, Colorado
Prescription drug fraud is a growing crime across the country. This crime involves such drugs as Vicodin and other hydrocodone drug combinations as well as prescriptions for oxycodone, codeine, methadone, and other opiods, painkillers, stimulants, and steroids. Anyone found in possession of unauthorized prescription drugs, whether for personal use or for sale or distribution to others, may face criminal charges which can lead to jail or prison terms, heavy fines, loss of professional licenses, and more. Prescription drug fraud is a serious legal matter and not one which you will want to face alone in the criminal justice system.
If you have been arrested and charged with a prescription drug crime or any other type of misdemeanor or felony in the Denver area, you can get the capable legal help you need from the criminal defense firm of M. Trent Trani & Associates, PC. This is a firm with extensive experience in criminal law and in all types of court proceedings locally. Mr. Trani is a seasoned trial attorney who served as a deputy public defender for several years in Colorado. He has handled over 2,000 felony and misdemeanor matters which has given him a wealth of understanding and helped him to hone his legal skills. No matter what type of criminal case you are involved in, he and his legal team will work vigorously to protect your rights and help you achieve the best possible outcome. Contact the firm for a free, initial consultation. Flexible payment plans are available.