Criminal Defense Attorneys in Oregon

There are 3710911 living in Oregon, which comprises 53136 square miles. If you live or were arrested in Oregon and are interested in working with a local attorney who can help you fight your criminal charges, take advantage of our online directory. We have included a list of attorneys who handle criminal cases in Oregon. You can view their information, compare their qualifications and contact them directly using our nationwide directory. Our goal is to make it easy to find the right Oregon criminal defense lawyer to handle your case.

Information for Oregon

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Additional Listings

John W. Neidig, PC Attorney at Law

10350 N Vancouver Way #342
Portland, OR 97217

James P Caher Pc

767 Willamette St # 202
Eugene, OR 97401

Johnstone & Goodfellow

PO Box 626
Mcminnville, OR 97128

Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt

1211 SW 5th Ave # 1600
Portland, OR 97204

Linda J Wilson & Assoc

860 W Park St # 240
Eugene, OR 97401

Marc D Perrin

777 High St # 110
Eugene, OR 97401

Milly Whatley

2445 NE Division St # 202
Bend, OR 97701

James F. O'Rourke,Jr.

Suite 1, 748 SE 181st Ave
Gresham, OR 97233

Robert A. Graham Jr

236 Northwest E Street
Grants Pass, OR 97526