New York Ulster White Collar Crimes

White Collar Crimes Law Firms in Ulster County, New York

Approximately 157969 people live in Ulster, and this can make it difficult to find an attorney to handle your case. If you are looking for an Ulster White Collar Crimes lawyer, this directory makes it easy. On this page, you will find a list of lawyers who handle cases related to White Collar Crimes in the Ulster area of New York. You are welcome to click on their profiles or to visit their websites to learn more about the services they offer related to White Collar Crimes. You can also call their offices directly to schedule a consultation with an Ulster criminal defense attorney who may be able to answer your specific questions.

Information for Ulster County

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County Square Miles

There are no White Collar Crimes Lawyers currently listed in Ulster County.

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Option 3 - Other White Collar Crimes Law Firms in New York.

Law Office of John Gleacher, PLLC

136 East 76th Street 11A
New York, NY 10021

(646) 302-3711New York City Criminal Defense Attorney

Law Offices of Julie Rendelman, LLC

535 5th Avenue, Suite #2525
New York, NY 10017

(212) 951-1232

The Law Offices Of Robert Schuster

344 Main Street Suite 406
Mount Kisco, NY 10549

(914) 241-0004Westchester County Criminal Defense Attorney

Riebling, Proto & Sachs, LLP

1 N Broadway #401
White Plains, NY 10601

(914) 946-4808Westchester County Criminal Defense Attorney

Law Offices of Jeffrey L. Davis

1316 133rd Place
College Point, NY 11356

(917) 826-5150

The Law Offices of Joseph Potashnik

111 Broadway Suite 1305
New York, NY 10006

(212) 577-6677

Law Offices of Daniel A. Hochheiser

760 White Plains Road Suite 101
Scarsdale, NY 1058

(212) 689-4343Hochheiser & Hochheiser LLP

Nancy M. Eraca, Esq

150 Lake Street, 3rd Floor
Elmira, NY 14901

(607) 737-2762

Law Office of George Vomvolakis

275 Madison Avenue 35th Floor
New York, NY 10016

(212) 682-0700

The Law Office of Jeffrey Rosenblueth

225 Broadway 39th Floor
New York, NY 10007

(212) 248-4720