Latest News 2013 March Businessman Accused of Car Title Fraud

Businessman Accused of Car Title Fraud

A businessman in the San Antonio, Texas area has reportedly been accused of car title fraud. According to reports, he was paying employees at a car title company to push through fraudulent vehicle registration applications. The fraud matter reportedly went on for about twenty years. He has not been charged at this time, but search warrants have been issued. The fraud matter is reportedly still under investigation at this time.

It's important that you understand the seriousness of fraud charges as they can result in heavy fines and possible jail time among other consequences. You need to know how to handle your case and protect your rights during this difficult time. You do not have to suffer if your matter is resolved in the best way possible. By employing assistance with your case, you will be able to move forward with your life.

If you or someone you know is facing fraud charges then it is in your best interest to work with a criminal defense attorney who will be able to help you settle this matter. By working with a defense lawyer, you will have your rights protected throughout this process. You can count on a defense attorney to always have your best interest in mind while dealing with court proceedings. Please take some time today to contact a criminal defense lawyer and begin discussing your case.

Categories: Criminal Defense, Fraud
