Man Arrested in California Not Connect to Sexual Assault Cases
Posted on May 14, 2010 1:07pm PDT
Sacramento, California - police report that the individual they arrested in Sacramento was not responsible for a slew of sex crimes that were committed in the state of California. The man, Bernard Jackson, was believed to be the primary suspect for seven sexual assault and burglary cases that took place throughout the 1980s. However, it was later revealed that Jackson was only involved in rape offenses in Missouri.
Over the time period of 18 months, police investigated Jackson for numerous attacks that took place in a 2 mile radius within Sacramento. Later, fingerprint comparisons revealed that Jackson was not linked to three burglaries and 4 rapes.
At this time, Jackson is facing 15 felonies for the rapes that took place in the state of Missouri. Since September 2009, he has been a suspect for 5 rape cases that occurred in Kansas City.
If you have been charged with a sex crime and you are facing prosecution, you should retain the services of a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. By doing this, you will make sure that your rights are protected and that you are able to defend yourself against prosecutors.