Latest News 2010 March Domestic Violence – One of the Most Fabricated Charges

Domestic Violence – One of the Most Fabricated Charges

Charged with domestic violence? If so, it’s important to contact an attorney right away. Domestic violence is a highly fabricated crime, and unfortunately, law enforcement officials often arrest people for domestic violence with little to no evidence backing up the accuser's claim. In some states, it doesn’t take much more than the accuser’s word for the police to come down to someone’s house and arrest them for domestic violence. Often times, an angry, resentful, or upset spouse will make a domestic violence accusation as a form of revenge. Other times a couple may be verbally fighting, but one person embellishes the truth by saying the fight escalated into a physical fight. Sometimes it is children who make false claims of domestic violence, whether for attention or because they are angry at their parent.

The point is, emotions can easily get mixed up in an already tumultuous situation, and when they do it can lead to a huge headache for the person accused. In addition to arrest, a restraining order may also be issued and your ability to see and spend time with your loved ones could be compromised. When faced with a domestic violence accusation, it’s in your best interest to speak with a knowledgeable and experienced domestic violence defense attorney right away. A lawyer who has experience defending people against domestic violence charges will know how to proceed forward, and can help you fight your charges to avoid a conviction that would undoubtedly compromise your personal life, compromise your relationship with your family, and jeopardize your rights and freedom.

Categories: Domestic Violence
