Latest News 2010 March 80-Year-Old Woman Jailed for Burglary

80-Year-Old Woman Jailed for Burglary

An 80-year-old woman was arrested in Torrance, California for a burglary at a hospital. She most likely slipped inside as a male employee worked and stayed inside when the worker left. She then ransacked the drawers and stole money. Since 1955, the woman has been in and out of prison for various crimes. As a result of this most recent burglary, the elderly woman will be spending three years in prison.

When cases of burglary occur, courts do not take these matters lightly and you can find yourself paying heavy fines and spending time in jail. You do have rights that should be protected, but you need to understand how to do that. No matter your situation, you deserve to have your case handled properly and a fair court case. With the help of a criminal defense lawyer, you will be able to move forward with your case, knowing that an expert is on your side handling this delicate matter. A defense attorney will make sure that your case is treated fairly and that your rights are protected. Being charged with burglary can change every aspect of your life, but a defense lawyer will make sure that doesn’t happen. Please take some time today to contact a criminal defense attorney and begin discussing your case.
