Criminal Defense Attorneys in Florida

There are 19735097 living in Florida, which comprises 47920 square miles. If you live or were arrested in Florida and are interested in working with a local attorney who can help you fight your criminal charges, take advantage of our online directory. We have included a list of attorneys who handle criminal cases in Florida. You can view their information, compare their qualifications and contact them directly using our nationwide directory. Our goal is to make it easy to find the right Florida criminal defense lawyer to handle your case.

Information for Florida

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State Square Miles
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Additional Listings

The Law Offices of H. Manuel Hernandez, P.A.

37 N. Orange Avenue Suite 500
Orlando, FL 32801

DeBeaubien,Knight,Simmons,Mantzaries & Neal, LLP

332 North Magnolia Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801

O'Mara Law Group

1415 East Concord Street
Orlando, FL 32803

The Fighter Law Firm, P.A.

1100 E. Robinson Street
Orlando, FL 32801

Payas Payas & Payas, LLP

1018 East Robinson Street
Orlando, FL 32801

The Decker Law Firm

320 White Avenue
Live Oak, FL 32064

Lapina & DuBois, P.A.

707 Mendham Blvd. Suite 100
Orlando, FL 32825

Synder & Gonzales Trial Lawyers

16211 NE 12th Ave.
North Miami Beach, FL 33162