Featured News 2013 New York Sex-Slave Ring Discovered, 13 Arrested

New York Sex-Slave Ring Discovered, 13 Arrested

According to the New York Daily News, sex slaves all throughout the state of New York have been freed from squalid conditions where they were forced to service as many as 30 customers per day. These sex slaves were women tricked into coming to the U.S. from Mexico with promises of a better life. The women were given fake but convincing documentation, and then brought to bordellos where they were forced to serve as slaves.

13 people believed to be a part of the prostitution ring have been arrested and will be tried for their crimes. In addition to arresting New Yorkers involved in the prostitution ring, attorneys also made arrests in Maryland and Delaware. Reporters claim that the pimps in the prostitution ring supplied their workers with condoms and forced them to take birth control if there was a possibility that they would become pregnant. The pimps would circulate the women among different brothels associated with the ring in order to "keep the selection fresh" for clients who visited regularly.

The pimps charged $30 for 15 minutes with the women and kept all profits for themselves. Pimps told the women that harm would come to their families back in Mexico if they did not comply with all requirements at the brothels. Many of the offenders arrested in the prostitution case were already deported back to Mexico for prostitution crimes. They somehow managed to re-enter the U.S. and continue in their illegal business.

Human trafficking is a serious crime, and those who are convicted can spend between 3 and 25 years in prison per count. Sex trafficking is always considered a felony, and those who are convicted of the crime will most likely be listed on a sex offender registry for the rest of their lives. Doubtless, it is important that sex offenders and pimps are punished for their crimes. Yet there are many times that innocent individuals are charged with serious sex crimes.

In today's society, accusations of slavery and sexual assault can be taken far out of context. You may be arrested for a crime which you never even committed because of association or due to false accusations. Maybe you were framed or maybe your name was listed among prostitution ring suspects but another individual has the same name as you do.

It is also a crime to participate in prostitution or to be a customer of prostitution in most cases. If you have been framed or accused of visiting a brothel when you are innocent of this crime, you will want a lawyer there to help you. The US federal laws declared that militia members who engage in prostitution can be jailed for up to one year. In addition to this, it is federally permissible for a Secretary to refuse to issue or renew any certificate of registration if an applicant has been convicted of prostitution within five years.

Many times individuals who are charged with running prostitution houses will also be charged with illegally smuggling immigrants into the U.S. for the purpose of prostitution. Whether you have been accused of acting as a prostitute or starting a prostitution ring, you need an aggressive and effective lawyer on your side. Every state has their own set of laws regarding prostitution. The penalty for pimps is almost always a felony that comes with a long jail or prison sentence and an expensive fine. Some states will send a pimp to prison for a decade and impose a $15,000 penalty. Use this criminal defense lawyer directory to find a defense attorney near you today if you have been falsely accused of this serious offense.

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