Featured News 2014 After 25 Years Behind Bars, Man Exonerated of Murder

After 25 Years Behind Bars, Man Exonerated of Murder

According to the Associated Press, a wrongfully convicted man was released from prison after prosecutors discovered evidence that put that man 1,100 away from the spot where he was said to have pulled a trigger. The man had been enjoying a trip to Disney World when the 1989 shooting occurred in New York. He had been able to produce plane tickets, even video footage to establish that he had been in Orlando, Florida around the time of the shooting. Yet it was asserted that there was enough of a time gap for him to have travelled to Brooklyn. One witness said that she'd seen the man commit the crime. He was convicted in 1990.

But that witness soon admitted that she had only testified in a bid to get her own case dismissed. Still, the man's conviction appeal was turned down. Decades later, a new DA took office and ordered certain cases to be reassessed, including this case. The results: new witnesses were found who said someone else had committed the crime, and a receipt was uncovered that had a time stamp of a mere five hours before the murder. It was a hotel receipt from Florida under the man's name. The receipt had been taken from the man's pocket upon arrest. Criminal defense lawyers and prosecutors alike petitioned a judge to vacate the man's conviction. The man was exonerated and set free on April 3, 2014.

Sadly, innocence is not its own defense. If you have been charged with a crime, this is not a time that you can afford to be with less than the best criminal defense attorney possible. You need to know the defense of your freedom and your future is in good hands. Find the skilled defender you need on our directory today!

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