Law Office of Matthew T. McNally Articles Domestic Violence Cases in Georgia

Domestic Violence Cases in Georgia

By Law Offices of Matthew T. McNally  Aug. 1, 2011 4:09p

Chapter 13 of the Georgia Domestic Relations Code governs the subject of domestic violence. In Georgia, domestic violence is defined as an offense by one member of a household against another. Qualifying individuals can be past and present spouses, those who have a child in common, parents, children and people who live together or have cohabited in the past. Domestic violence offenses include such acts as assault, battery, stalking, damaging property, harassment and unlawful restraint.

When police are called into a scene of domestic violence, it no longer becomes a family matter but a criminal matter. Often, based on the accusations of one party, the other party is arrested, which can result in serious legal consequences. Once an accusation has been made, prosecutors are required to pursue the case, whether your accuser later recants or not.

If you are charged with domestic violence, you may be subject to a protective order which prohibits you from having any contact whatsoever with your accuser, denies you access to your home, your children and may require you to pay child support. If you are convicted of a domestic violence crime, you may end up in jail, be subject to fines, probation and court-mandated programs such as anger management, counseling, violence therapy, and more, all at your own expense.

Domestic violence accusations are often made during arguments between couples who are splitting up, divorcing, engaged in child custody battles, or other divorce-related issues. Charges made during such domestic incidents may arise out of jealousy, revenge, resentment and attempts to gain the upper hand in legal matters. Due to this, such charges can often be unfair and lead to unjust consequences.

Being Charged with Domestic Violence in Atlanta

If you have been charged with a domestic violence crime in Atlanta, you should engage the services of an experienced and qualified attorney who knows the system and can strategize a strong defense on your behalf. Atlanta criminal defense attorney Matthew T. McNally offers comprehensive legal representation in such cases. As a former Assistant District Attorney, he handled thousands of criminal cases, giving him a strong command of criminal law and the local criminal justice system. That is the kind of legal background and knowledge you will need in a domestic violence case.

Contact Atlanta domestic violence attorney Matthew T. McNally at his firm if you are facing charges of domestic violence or any other criminal offense in the greater Atlanta area today.

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